*Click on the Forms tab, print off, and complete the health history and polices and procedures form ahead of time. Or I will have them ready for you upon arrival.
*Please remain in your car until your scheduled appointment time. At that time please come back directly to my room, Suite 101 (at the very end of the hall on the first floor).
*We will discuss any aches and pains you have, and what your goals are for your massage session.
*Don't forget to turn off your cell phone.
*I will leave the room while you undress to your comfort level and get on the massage table.
*You will be modestly draped with a sheet and blanket at all times. I will only uncover the area I am working on (which will include the back, neck, head, face, arms, hands, legs, and feet). You will never be "exposed". Draping is required.
*During your massage it's very important that you keep me informed if you'd like more or less pressure. Feedback is fantastic and allows me to tailor the massage to your needs. Please let me know if the room is too warm or cold, the music too loud or soft, etc. Unfortunately I'm not a mind-reader, so please don't be shy in letting me know if there's any way that I can make your massage session more comfortable for you.
*Relax and enjoy your massage! There is no need to assist me with any movements.
*Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns before, during or after your massage.
*If you arrive late for your massage, you will receive the remainder of your allotted massage time and will be charged for the full session. Please give me a call if you know you will be running late. I may be able to fit your entire session into my schedule.
*Sexually suggestive remarks or advances will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in immediate termination of your session, the police will be contacted, and you will be liable for full payment of your appointment.